How do you remain calm in a stressful situation?
I was asked this question by a sweet friend of mine.
“I was recently asked by a friend about how to remain calm in a stressful situation…
She’s not familiar with The Work so I didn’t know what to say.
What would you say in such a situation?”
I enjoy receiving questions like this.
They invite me to sit still to find my answer inside.
This is my answer.
How to remain calm in a stressful situation…
If I’m asked, I would say that I am practicing a habit of noticing my beliefs and emotions before I react.
Between things happened and my reactions, I create a space of noticing.
A moment to ask myself “Is it true?”
It doesn’t happen automatically.
It takes some practice.
Yet, once I start having this habit, I seem to stay calmer than before.
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You might want to read the Introduction of The Work of Byron Katie by Stephen Mitchell.